Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Troopergate Ringleader Gets Cushy Federal Job

If you haven't heard yet, Alaska State Senator Kim Elton (D-Juneau) has resigned to accept an appointment as the Department of the Interior's Director of Alaska Affairs. Of course, WE all remember Elton as the leader of the council that investigated the Troopergate fiasco, and one of the top guys responsible for blowing those trumped up charges onto the national political scene. So, I guess the moral of the story is that the politics of personal destruction are not only alive and well, but can get you promoted.

Unfortunately, this also shows that President Obama has little intention of working with Gov. Palin on anything, as Elton and Palin are not exactly on good terms. This was evidenced by the tersely worded statement released by Gov. Palin - which included the following:

"Senator Elton pledged his allegiance to President Obama last summer."

There was one thing that came out of this appointment that really interested me...because it may reveal the missing link between the Obama campaign and the prosecution of Troopergate:

"Elton is close to Pete Rouse, who was Obama's chief of staff in the U.S. Senate and is now a special adviser to the president. Rouse and Elton worked together in Juneau in the late 1970s on the staff of Alaska Republican Lt. Gov. Terry Miller."

Hmm....wonder why the McCain campaign's "Palin Truth Squad" never dug up that juicy little nugget.


  1. As I said yesterday in the Bolton thread, the ADN dems and RINOs are throwing a fit at this, especially Andrew (Loser, The) Halcro and all his sheep. In fact I don't think I'm too far off by guessing that this would the lead attack if the dems and media weren't too busy going after Rushbo.

    This from the "winning team" mind you. It took two years for the GOP to go down in flames when they had it all, it won't even take the libs two MONTHS.

  2. Let's not get ahead of ourselves; Obambi is expert at twisting around to his benefit what would otherwise annihilate the rest of us: Mere Mortals. He's using Rush's weight (both kinds) and rhetoric to put down ALL conservatives----and this tactic is, sadly, going to work with many moderates; believe it.

    We are going to be swimming upstream the whole way----but we can win, anyway, because the core principle is going to hold true: GOD CANNOT BLESS DEBT.

    So we are going to suffer for quite awhile because of Obambi's fiscal mess----but that will cause Americans (eventually) to turn against Obambi and seek the Truth and actual HONESTY, as well as (I pray) REVIVAL!!!!!!!!

    Meanwhile.... we are called by God to demonstrate our very best, good character in the worst circumstances.

  3. Uh, Mama, I said they were going down in flames, I didn't say the GOP was going to seize the momentum. For god's sakes I was just listening to that blithering idiot David Frum get smacked around by The Great One for about half an hour, yet with Frum and all his cronies out there essentially siding with the libs makes 2010 even harder, and Michael Steele's half-assed attempts at "remaking the GOP" aren't helping (he wants to stay "black and proud" with super-lib D.L. Hughley apparently).

    But still, anything is possible. I still can't help but remember how invincible Bill Clinton supposedly was in 1993.

    But overall, this is two bad football teams "duking it out". Hell, it's like all the mods up in AK that have aligned themselves with the left to get rid of Sarah (not happening), same down here with Frum and all the sissy mods who want to suck up to the left and go after Rush. Why even have an election ever again then if both sides are in such agreement? It's embarrassing.

    So don't get the idea that I'm claiming victory. What's essentially happening is the Dems have absolutely no idea what to do now that they've "won" (which makes Bush's second term look like a tight ship) yet here are these mods who are basically trying to help them out! None of these attacks have any wheels whatsoever without these mods. Troopergate would have never happened to Sarah if it wasn't for all the dupes in the AK Senate who went along with it, and same thing here with all these dupes going against Rush.

    But it can be done, no matter how hard it is. Look at all we've overcome in the last 30 years: Carter, the hostage crisis, eight years of Slick Willie, 9/11, 30 years of enviro-weenies, losers like Joe Biden and Barney Frank being allowed to serve ANYWHERE, Obama, and the media being their watercarriers the whole time. If these pansies want to throw in, then let them show themselves now. Better to have your enemies, however many there are, in view.

    But our victory will be well-deserved, whenever it happens.

  4. {{{{{What's essentially happening is the Dems have absolutely no idea what to do now that they've "won"}}}}

    reminds me of this video
    Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are

  5. This is all so fascinating to watch. And it is disturbing at the same time. Everythings tougher in Alaska including politics. Governor Palin is amazing for all that she has put up with. She is truly a pioneer.

  6. There's sniping from our so-called side
    towards Sarah because of her SC appointment today, nevermind the other choice looked like Tommy Chong and was a Pelosi/Feinstein lib. Like I said last night, this sniping gets no traction if these fools don't pick it up and run with it.

    Headline on the Alaska Substandard right now: "Palin appoints former Planned Parenthood board member to Alaska Supreme Court", and who wrote the article? Why none other that other pansy-ass Dan Fagan (of Fagan/Halcro Air Supply) Maybe the fact that she had to choose between a former PPer and an enviromarxist is a sign that she should leave AK behind and go for the gold.

    She doesn't owe these people anything, left OR right. And as far as these cowards like Fagan, Halcro, Frum, Brooks, Parker, and so on (as well as their elected conterparts), I'm not sure they're not more the enemy than the current crop of libtards. Again, better to have the enemy in front of you, no matter the nubers

  7. Obama is using Rush to cover up for the fact that he is inept so far. If the economy does not improve he will be a one term President. People vote with their pocket books. Sarah probaly made the better of two bad choices. That is the way they do it in Alaska. She couldn't win either way. Gov. Palin can handle Fagan. The GOP can't comeback until they get further away from the unpopular Bush. Obama is going to spend 7.6 trillion over 8 years. He even twists that around by saying he will cut the deficit he in herited in half. Even though he would by far add the most to the national debt ever.

  8. 12th Man, Tbone, I thought Govenors of every state could hand pick thier Supreme Court Justices? Is it different in Alaska? Does the legislature just tell the Govenor "here are your choices?" Thanks.

  9. You got it, in AK it's controlled by the trial lawyers. Basically, it's the Missouri plan.

    Frank Murkowski tried to fight it a few years back and he got rolled. Sarah's wise not to do the same, especially this close to re-election. Of course all the Fagan crybabies (I'd hate to think what they actually refer to themselves as) are out in full force at the Substandard whining about it, as if she was supposed have some magic wand option.

    This goober Smith apparently is very much like Bill Ayers. No WONDER she didn't go with him! You can bet that if she had, "Palin' around with terrorists? No, just appointing them to the Supreme Court" would have been prominently featured on the Williams/Gibson/Couric variety shows. Also, Sarah requested some last minute info and found out that Christen was pro-adoption, so she at least got SOME satisfaction out of the deal.

  10. It's sad that Governor Palin must tolerate working with such lowlifes. I truly look up to her.

  11. that's something i never knew

    The Missouri Plan is a method to combine election and appointment of judges.[1] Under the plan, candidates for judicial vacancies are first selected by lawyer-dominated commissions from all available applicants for that position.[1] Three (3) names are forwarded to the governor who has sixty days to select one.[1] If the governor does not select one of the three to fill the position within those sixty days, the committee will then make the selection.

  12. Yep, that be it, except in Sarah's case: Make that two instead of three; 45 days instead of 60; and take away any freedom she might have to "go rogue" and just not select anybody.

    On a side note, I can't stand the fact that Rush is a Steeler fan, but he more than makes up for it, especialy when Bawney (Loves) Fwank says something stupid, Rush always is right there to follow it up with "Banking Queen", which may be becoming my favorite Shanklin parody. Sing (or howl, in your best Elmer Fudd voice) along, Palinistas!

    You can build
    You can buy
    Any house your heart desires (OOOOOO!)

    Zero down, financing
    I am the banking queen!

    Friday night and your cash is low
    I know a place where you can go
    Get your house and use it, go ahead and abuse it
    You can do anything

    Go out and have a fling
    Cause I am the Banking Queen
    Old and sweet
    G'ed (go ahead) and do your thing

    Banking Queen
    Don't complain or you'll hear me scream
    Oh yeah!

    You can build
    You can buy
    Any house your heart desires (OOOOOO!)

    Zero down, financing
    I am the banking queen!

    Told the bankers HEY YOU GUYS!
    Make the loans or you'll be........(fined)
    My friends at Fannie sure need it
    Do it my way or beat it
    While all the stocks' crashing

    It doesn't mean a thing
    Cause I am the Banking Queen
    Never spanked for a single thing

    Banking Queen
    Don't complain or you'll hear me scream
    Oh yeah!

    You can build
    You can buy
    Any house your heart desires (OOOOOO!)

    Zero down, financing
    I am the banking queen!

  13. (NB: I have tried to post this for the last couple of days. It finally got through!!)

    Yes, as I noted on the Bolton thread re George Will and Kathleen Parker, these people have received their reward. Kim Elton can be classed with them. That side knows how to recompense its minions. Far greater the rewards for our side: to breathe the bracing fresh air of a clean conscience, and to have the HONOR of supporting, admiring, and loving someone who I believe is one of the most extraordinary figures to arise in the history of our Republic...and she is just getting started: our future President, Sarah Palin!!!


  14. I seriously wonder if Andrew Halcro, supposed conservative that he is, or his Halcronics (I know that one of them was here a few weeks back posting as StopHurtingAmerica) actually opposes the Obamanation. Who'd he/they go after first? Sarah for her "classless" response (scumbags deserve none). I notice that a couple of them are posting over at FR, and they're getting smacked around for their troubles--and rightly so.

    I bit the bullet and actually registered at the Alaska Substandard where I took on these weasels. My all-star proposal of a governor swap (Sarah for the photo-op queen Christine Gregoire) hasn't gotten much traction, partly because there's a whole lot of people from a whole lot of other states that would like to propose the same. So my lack of uniqueness killed it I'm afraid.

    (Although I must say the first response to my proposal was classic:

    "How about Chris Gregoire for Sarah........."

    "You're from WA?" (Wow how long did it take you to figure THAT out?))

  15. Well I've decided to end the experiment. The "Alaska Conservatives" that post there are even worse than the Alaska Democrat Newsletter. Now DuFus has totally turned against Sarah, complete with left-wing talking points (incompetent governor) and pet names (Gov Winky).

    They don't like her cause "she's not a conservative", yet they champion
    "conservatives" like Lisa "ACU-rated 16%" Murkowski. I figured it was time to cut my losses and move on.
